Qty available: 67 SKU: SKU090624

The Counter-Intuitive Parent, is a curriculum designed to challenge you and help you become the best parent possible. In this study, Karen will explore parenting principles that may seem counter-cultural and contrary to our natural instincts. We'll delve into what God says about different aspects of parenting, offering a steadfast guide in an ever-changing world.

This series covers crucial topics such as “What God Says” vs. “What the World Says,” the balance between being a Parent vs. a Friend, the importance of Preparing our Children instead of Protecting them, fostering Trust over Fear, and focusing on Cultivation over Construction. 

Join us on this transformative journey as we strive to become Counter-Intuitive Parents, reflecting God's eternal wisdom in our parenting approach.

1. Introduction

2. Session 1 - God Says vs. World Says

3. Session 2 - Cultivation vs. Construction

4. Session 3 - Trust vs. Fear

5. Session 4 - Preparing vs. Protection

6. Session 5 - Parent vs. Friend

This a six part series of digital videos and corresponding printable study guide.

Each product is copyright protected and single use.